Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm In Love

With Johnny Depp. 
And Channing Tatum,
and Christopher Meloni,
and Finn from Glee
and Robert Pattinson,

and Tory from Mythbusters,
and Destrey,
and Johnny Knoxville.
And a whole bunch of other guys I can never marry. D:
The main idea of this post is of Johnny Depp and that I drew him :D
The main photo:

Totally creepy right? And this is me drawing it:

It looks better in real life. 

But what do you think?
I've draw a lot of other things too.
Super fun. 
Hope you guys enjoy. Am going to write about my birthday party later.


  1. Wow, that's pretty darn good. You are quite good at drawing. He's pretty cute too! Without the weird costumes of course! Hugs, Auntie B.

  2. Johnny Depp is soooooooo handsome and same can be said about Christopher Meloni. The drawing you did is fantastic and not creepy at all you have talent.

  3. Cool drawing and Johnny Depp is hot hot hot!

  4. The drawing is awesome and I love Johnny Depp. Especially as Capn Jack Sparrow.

  5. Wonderful job honey - and yes, it still creeps your Momma out. :D

    Nicely done.

  6. PS Take Johnny Knoxville off this list. The man is a moron.

    Momma has spoken. TYVM.

  7. Jo Anne: Christopher Meloni... aaaaaaaah.... big ears though :P Thank you
    Lyndylou: Yes he is :)
    Mynx: Capn Jack Sparrow is awesome I can't wait to see the fourth movie (most recent)
    Momma: creeps you almost as much as my expander? lol. Johnny Knoxville stays. Please. He's a hot moron.
